Empakglass is an engineering company with its main focus on glass packaging.
That is why its mission is to help to develop the global glass markets to become stronger and more competitive. Competitiveness is strongly associated with costs, but not only. There are other important business-KPI´s which can create success, or not.
In our globalized world of today we see a rising importance of global quality standards, time-to-market, OTIF, carbon footprint,....
Global concentration in all levels from raw materials, equipments for manufacturing, in the whole chain from a packaging production to filling demands higher performance levels. A bottle designed in Spain, produced in Tunisia, decorated in China, filled in Mexico and sold in the US, a typical situation today. OTIF, DRIFT,… a global supply chain needs professional glass producers.
The demands of the modern industry are changing rapidly.
EmpakGlass wants to support its customers to gain and keep a leading position in the global glass markets.
EmpakGlass wants its customers to lead.
"Most businesses today have to commit towards their customers with fast response and good quality (OTIF - on time in full delivery). In order to bridge the gap between concept and production, the use of technology is perhaps the most powerful tool to get the job done."
"The Mouldshop Department is conceptually speaking, the main supplier and an extension of the IS Production.
...the Mould Shop Department should be considered a Self-Sufficient Operational Unit, and when compared with an equivalent outsourced operation, must have a lower cost and therefore justify its existence..."