EMPAK and ENNIONSTUDIO and the upcoming 2024!
Well...that is it, Folks! Another year goes by! 2023 provided Empak and ENNION a new set of challenges! We grew our team (once...

IS Production training at Verallia Portugal
Just before entering Christmas and New Year Holiday Season, curiously the final onsite assignment of 2023 was in Portugal! Empakglass IS...

Empak Glass Conditioning, Batch & Furnaces Training with New Glass in Bulgaria
Empak held in Novi Prazar, Bulgaria a Glass Conditioning, Batch & Furnaces training with New Glass SA. New glass EAD is a part of the...

Empak Product Development Training with Zignago Vetro
Empak held in Lisbon, Portugal, a dedicated Product Development training for Zignago Vetro. Zignago Vetro produces a wide range of...